1. Always have a selection of non-alcoholic beverages available. 2. Don't make your drinks overly strong. Guests will down them just as fast as regular strength drinks. 3. Keep tabs on how much your guests drink. Don't be afraid to cut someone off if you think he or she has had too much. 4. Never pressure someone into having another drink. 5. Always serve food along with alcohol. Dairy products, meats and fish are good bets. Food will slow down the absorption of alcohol into the blood stream. 6. Keep in mind that mixers affect the rate of absorption of alcohol into the system. Water dilutes alcohol and slows absorption, while carbonated beverages tend to speed it up. 7. Don't throw parties whose sole purpose is drinking. Food, conversation, games, or videos are possible diversions. 8. Don't let anybody drink and drive. If someone has been drinking and they do not have a designated driver here are some solutions you may offer: Ask someone at the party who has not been drinking to drive him or her home. Offer for him or her to stay over. Call a cab and offer to pay for it. Drive him or her home yourself.